Rebeca Miranda
Fairy Tales Hello, recently I'm watchin a tv program called: once upon a time, who I call now 'OUAT'. OUAT talking about fairy tales, but with a different ending, like happy ending to vilains. Is in 4th season and I expect not finish now because is involving. I will tell you about OUAT. Characteres: Emma. Snow White, Charming, Regina, Rumplestiltskin, Bela, Cora, Henry, Neil-Baelfire, Peter Pan... All serie is about Emma, the doughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, but she dont know about that until your son, Henry, abandonated for her 11 year ago knock in your door, and batch her to storybrook the town criated for a course, launched for Regina, the evil queen, where she is the savior and i the moment if she enter in town the people remember who they was in the past. In the 2nd season before Emma broke the course, Cora, the mother of Regina porsue their normal lifes, is revelated the identity of Neil, Henry's father. The 3rd season is separeted in two parts. The 1st part the characters go to the Neverland where Peter Pan needs the heart of the true credulous to the magic of Neverland come back, Peter Pan have what he want, Henry die, they discover that Peter Pan is Rumplestiltskin's father.. In short Henry comes back and Peter Pan die. The 2nd part is about Zelena, half-sister of Regina, who wanna open a portal to change your past. I think she fail but she open a portal to past and Emma and captain Hook go to the past, modify some things, come back to the future and destroy the good life of Regina, who was in date. The 4th season is about Elsa and Anna of Frozen. Disney's time. Now, after write this I guess everyone was abandoned and I dont know wrote in english 'cause I can't form ideas. So, OUAT is a amazing serie. I spected if everyone can find your happy ending.
28 jan. 2015 01:41