dunkin donuts (section one) [Note: italki's 2500 character limit made me split this entry into two sections. This is the first section] John kesah teng griyanipun Barry, rencangipun teng sekolahan. John kaget nalika kawruh teng griyanipun Barry boten wonten jam. "Manawi panjenengan badhe ningali jam, kados pripun?" John tanglet. Barry nimbali: "Niku boten angel, kula namung kedah nembang ingkang banter, banjur tetangga kula badhe ndukani kula saking jendelanipun 'Panjenengan kados punapa nyanyi kados ngoten jam papat kinten sedasa esuk!'" -- nate maos niki teng pundi, boten eling -- Sore niki kula kesah Dunkin Donuts, amargi gadhah gegayuhan dhahar croissantipun. Kula asringipun tumbas croissant mawon, nanging wonten wangsanipun kula tumbas croissant isi keju. :9 Kula inggih remen donatipun, kula paling remen kalih donat ingkang kados smiley face, kuning dipun gambari soca kalih lathi mesem ngagem coklat. Nanging olehipun kula kesah teng ngrika terus boten amargi econipun donat kalih croissant niku. dunkin donuts (section one) John visited his classmate's house, Barry. John was surprised learning that Barry didn't own any clocks in his house. "Then how are you supposed to know the time?" John asked Barry. Barry anwered: "Easy, whenever I want to know the time, I just sing as loud as I can, then my neighbour will open his window and scream 'What the h*ll you think you're doing making noises at three fifty in the morning!'" -- some article I read, can't recall where -- This afternoon I went to Dunkin Donuts to insatiate my desire of its croissant. Most of the time I like it plain, but sometimes I ordered some cheese with it. :9 I also liked their donuts, my favorite is yellow-glazed donuts with smiley faces drawn on them using chocolate. But it's not their deliciousness that made me come back there again and again.
26 apr. 2015 12:47