The way to a dream In next week will be announce results of DV-2016. In this year our family participated in the lottery at the first time. I hope to victory. I want live in USA as a lot of another people in the world. Of course all countries has owner problems and limitations. But is one way to decide is it your country or not that is being live here. We never participate in DV-lottery before, because we was satisfied with living in our native country. And now I want changes. I believe in that we can ensure a better future for our children in USA. Also I believe in destiny. If it is our destiny we necessarily win somewhen. Wish us luck :)
27 apr. 2015 15:35
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The Way to a Dream

Next week, the results of DV-2016 will be announced.  In This year, our family participated in the lottery for the first time. I hope we win. I want live in the USA, as do a lot of another people in the world. Of courseevery country has its own problems and limitations. But is one way to decide is it your country or not that is being live here.?? [1] We never participated in the DV-lottery before, because we were satisfied with living in our native country. But now I want changes. I believe in that we can ensure a better future for our children in the USA. I also believe in destiny. If it is our destiny, we will surely win someday. Wish us luck :)


[1]  Sorry, I couldn't understand this sentence.  If you write it in Russian, or paraphrase in English, I'll try again to help.


And, good luck!

27 april 2015
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