Galpon de Esquila This is the shearing shed, which also functioned as a sawmill, in the front of the house, was sawmill and in the back of the house, was shearing, which is in October or November. Before the tour, I'm going to tell the story of this Willix. Until 1963 the only way to get to Estancia Harberton, was sea or air. 10 kilometers from here, near Bay Brown, Tommy had a runway when he was going to Ushuaia, with the Willix was going to that runway and then flew with the plane to Ushuaia, one day I arrive with the Willix to track landing and in a moment of madness, began to cross the field, cutting some trees and also using the trace of an old sawmill, until you reach Route 3, which connected Ushuaia and Rio Grande, which was only for military use. With this act inaugurated the J complementary route, then the municipality will grant a patent plate which is now in teahouse.
4 mei 2015 23:11