Typography is what (sometimes) matters! (3 tips for better looking texts) Have you ever heard about typography? If not, well, simply said, it is a bunch of rules which are used for text formatting. It is not as silly and useless as it sometimes could seem. It has developed during centuries and it is a part of every honestly edited book (or letter, mail, any kind of message or post!). It’s main aim is improving of readability. Ok, I admit, I work as a copyeditor and e-book developer which means I am into it very much! Just a few rules it is good to be aware of: 1) dashes: - this is not a dash! – this is called n-dash and it is used really as a dash (alt+0150; Unicode2013)! — this is called m-dash and it is used really as a dash in English texts (alt+0151; Unicode2014); actually, it is considered to be more suitable for longer texts of a higher cultural value (poetry, novels, really tuned letters…) 2) quotation marks: "these" are not quotation marks suitable for texts but for computer code; “these” are genuine quotation marks suitable for every moment (alt+0147, alt+0148; Unicode201c, Unicode201d); 3) apostrophe: don't, haven't, couldn't — these are not apostrophes! don’t, haven’t, couldn’t — these are genuine apostrophes (alt+0146; Unicode2019)! There are many other rules but these three are really essential. With them, any letter will look more professional and sophisticated.
3 jul. 2015 07:12