24 apr. 2012 09:40
Antwoorden · 8
26 april 2012
直子小姐,在中国大部分人还是遵循这个八字命理学说来进行婚丧嫁娶的. 我和太太就是遵循这样的原则结合的. 但是对于我本人来说, 八字命理更像是一种古老心理学,使用得当的话确实会对一个人在社会中的活动产生积极的影响, 并且在一个人消极低迷的时候起到安慰稳定的作用.
24 april 2012
24 april 2012
I bet that many Chinese people do not know the detailed meaning of 八字. I did not know either before I referred to some DOCs. To be honest, it is hard to explain this to foreigners, but you can just remember it in this way that 八字 represents the time info of your birthday, like year, month, day... In china, when two young people were going to get married with each other in the old time, their 八字 would be sent to someone to analyse whether they were suitable for each other. If they were not, then we say they were 八字相克 . Many people believed in this before, but in nowadays, we seldom use this way. PS: This stuff is quite mysterious, and sometimes the result of the analysis does show something right....So just keep it in your mind and follow your heart :) 我敢打赌许多中国人都不知道八字的具体含义。在我查阅一些文档之前我也不知道。即使现在我知道了,这个事情也很难解释给外国人听。 你只要记住八字代表了一个人生日的时间信息, 比如年,月,日等等,当然是按照中国农历的。 在中国,古时候当一对年轻人要结婚, 他们的八字会被某个人(通常是个算命的)去分析,以便知道二个人是否合适在一起。 如果觉得八字不合适,那我们就说这二个人八字不合,也就是八字相克。 以前很多中国人信这个,但是现在我们很少用这个方式了。 PS: 这是个神奇的东西,有些时候这种分析也的确有效果...你很难说它是完全错误的. 所以,一切随心....
24 april 2012
“八字”源于中国传统的阴阳五行理论,是一种算命的方法。八字算命是认为,人的命运是可知和可预测的,根据每个人出生时太阳的位置,运用阴阳五行的原理来推算人的性格与这种性格所呈现的人生方向。 八字相克,实际上是指五行相克。按照五行八字学说,世间万物总共分为五种元素:金、木、水、火、土,彼此之间存在着相生相克的关系: 五行相生:金生水,水生木、木生火、火生土、土生金。 五行相克:金克木、木克土、土克水、水克火、火克金。
24 april 2012
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