key sentence of "Life of Pi" Movie "Life of Pi" has a very good story telling. There is one of the key sentences at the end of "Life of Pi" Pi: “Which story do you prefer? ” Writer: “The one with the tiger.” Pi: “And so it goes with God.” What does "And so it goes with God" here mean? 1. God also prefers the one with the tiger. 2. The story of God works like this.
29 dec. 2012 09:32
Antwoorden · 4
I think this is reference to God's Creation. You see, the writer created both stories and was asked which one he preferred. And so it goes with God. He creates a number of stories, and the one he prefers is the story that plays out as history.
29 december 2012
It is a conversational discourse with reference. First, what does the "it" refer to? "It" means the "the one with the tiger" and "the one" refers to the "the story (with the tiger)". Second, "and so" is a conclusion linking. THAT IS, the story of the tiger goes with God. Third, what does "God" here mean? It may not literally mean God, but a reference to religion in contrast of reason. In fact, the life of Pi has been struggled between his father's rationalism, with science and his mother's religion, with God, whatever in Hindism, Islamism or Christian. The sea cruise is an ordeal choice of Pi's belief, Science or God, for survival. You can make your choice after watching the movie, by choosing which story you prefer. Well, there has already been a choice given by Director Lee in the movie.
29 december 2012
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