how to explain "那怎么好意思呢“ in english? for example A:今天我请客。 B:那怎么好意思呢! how to explain "那怎么好意思呢” to foreigners?thank you!
27 jul. 2013 15:44
Antwoorden · 6
The literally means " You don't have to do that." But actually the speaker want to say "That's very kind of you." Traditional Chinese people don't accept other people's kindness immediately, by which they are trying to be polite.
28 juli 2013
那 怎么 好 意思 呢 = in English will be "Oh, that's so good!"
3 augustus 2013
我知道在国外不会这样说。我现在在教一个外国人汉语,遇到了这句话,不知道该如何解释。 还有Natalie,谢谢你!
28 juli 2013
How about "that would make me feel uncomfortable"?
28 juli 2013
27 juli 2013
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!