"To watch flowers while riding on horseback" - is this a Chinese proverb or expression? What does it mean?
24 jun. 2008 12:38
Antwoorden · 8
Dear Eric: i think it's a Chinses proverb."To watch flowers while riding on horseback" in chinese is 走马观花or走马看花。(zou ma guan hua or zou ma kan hua) it has several meannings: glance over things hurriedly 2.gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation. 3.skim the surface. i hope my answer can help you.
24 juni 2008
The answers are as following: 1)Strictly speaking, it's a Chinese idiom not a proverb.. 2)I prefer “having given a cursory look and gained shallow understanding” to "gaining a superficial understanding through cursory observation”. The reasons are as following: 3)Here, 观 equals 看,just like坐井观天. 4)“观察”:仔细察看客观事物或现象,如“观察地形”、“观察问题”。(Look round objective things or phenomenon, like “observation terrain”, “observation question”.) More Points are as following: 5)原意:春风得意的样子 Its original intention is elated with success appearance. 常用来形容不深入细致地观察事物,只是粗略地观察,比喻被表面现象所迷惑。 Usually used to describe non-depth and non-meticulous observation of things, only a rough observed, the analogy is confused by the superficial phenomenon. 6) 近义词(near idioms): 浮光掠影; 反义词(contrary idioms) : 下马看花 The sources are as following: 7) 唐代著名诗人孟郊,40岁以前一直过着隐居生活。后来在母亲的勉励下,他赴京城赶考。但两次都没考中,第三次才终于榜上有名。高兴之余,他提笔写下了《登科后》一诗,用以表达自己喜悦的心情,诗的后两句是“春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。后人就此概括出了“走马观花”这个成语。 8)另有民间传说,录此供分享:有一个媒人,给一个瘸腿男子和一个兔唇姑娘说媒(相亲),让男孩骑马,女孩手持一朵花假装在嗅。直到两人成婚才发现上当。
25 juni 2008
"To watch flowers while riding on horseback", in vietnamese there is one idiom which has the same meaning [cuz vietnamese is very similar to chinese] : "Cưỡi ngựa xem hoa". Its meaning is "not to go in details", it also indicates the fishtail-palm attitude.
30 juni 2008
Dear Eric: i think it's a Chinses proverb."To watch flowers while riding on horseback" in chinese is 走马观花or走马看花。(zou ma guan hua or zou ma kan hua) it has several meannings: glance over things hurriedly 2.gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation. 3.skim the surface. i hope my answer can help you. She gave U a perfect answer expect the 3th explaination. It should be just concern about the surface.
29 juni 2008
28 juni 2008
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