is there anyone who loves korean dramas? if it is yes why? and is there any good dramas that u can recommend me?
24 jul. 2014 15:41
Antwoorden · 6
I love Korean dramas! Although I haven't seen very many. I've seen "To the Beautiful You" (with the BEAUTIFUL Choi MinHo ^^), "Boys Over Flowers", "You Are Beautiful", and I'm currently watching "Coffee Prince" which I think is going to become my new favorite drama :) It's exciting because I'm starting to recognize words that they're saying! Even if it's just 'you' and 'why?' hahaha :)
25 juli 2014
I like to watch it a lot. I like their language and actors are cute. Also there are not a lot of episodes so that is good. I liked: Boys over flowers, Emergency Couple, I hear your voice, Playful Kiss... Also I liked ˝Fated to love you˝ and ˝Say that you love me˝ - they are Taiwanese drama.
24 juli 2014
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