German If Hi, I was wondering how we make the condtional tense in German, I've seen some things on line with ob and werde, but it's seems a little complex. I'd like to say for example : If I were richer, I would travel around the world. If he studied more, he would have better grades. And maybe the composite tense with have : If he had left earlier, he wouldn't have missed the bus. If you had done your research, you would have done the experiment correctly.
26 jul. 2014 08:19
Antwoorden · 2
The sentence structure will be: Wenn + Subject + (other stuff) + Verb [Konjuntiv II], würde/hätte/wäre + Subject + (other stuff) + Verb [infinitive/past participle] http://www.mein-deutschbuch.de/lernen.php?menu_id=37
26 juli 2014
If I were richer, I would travel around the world. Wenn ich reicher wäre, würde ich um die Welt reisen. If he studied more, he would have better grades. Wenn er mehr lernte (/studierte), hätte er bessere Noten. If he had left earlier, he wouldn't have missed the bus. Wenn er früher gegangen wäre, hätte er den Bus nicht verpasst. If you had done your research, you would have done the experiment correctly. Wenn du deine Recherche (/Untersuchung) gemacht hättest, hättest du das Experiment richtig (/korrekt) gemacht.
26 juli 2014
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!