Irish: Are these the correct dative forms that I am using with the preposition "chuig"? chuig (an) duine= to a/the person -- "the person" if "an" is included chuig (na) daoine= to (the) people -- "the people" if "na" is included chuig (an) áit= to a/the place chuig áiteanna / na háiteanna= to (the) places chuig (an) teach= to a/the house chuig (na) tithe= to (the) houses chuig (an) siopa= to a/the shop chuig (na) siopaí= to (the) shops chuig cistin / an gcistin= to a/the kitchen chuig (na) cistineacha= to (the) kitchens chuig (an) trá= to a/the beach chuig (na) tránna= to (the) beaches chuig foraois / an bhforaois= to a/the forest chuig (na) foraoisí= to (the) forests chuig gleann / an ngleann= to a/the valley chuig (na) gleannta= to (the) valleys chuig (an) uaimh= to a/the cave chuig uaimheanna / na huaimheanna= to (the) caves chuig (an) scioból= to a/the barn chuig (na) sciobóil= to (the) barns chuig (an) sliabh= to a/the mountain chuig (na) sléibhte= to (the) mountains chuig (an) stábla= to a/the stable chuig (na) stáblaí= to (the) stables
20 jan. 2015 17:28
Antwoorden · 4
Yes, those are all correct. A dative form of "teach" is quite widely used in the dialects, it's usually "tigh" or "toigh", you'll probably come across it sooner or later.
20 januari 2015
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