How to use the different "always" in chinese: 一直, 老是, 总是? Could you please give simple exemples? Are there other chinese words that are also meaning "always" that is missing in this list? Thanks a lot, 谢谢你们
24 feb. 2015 14:52
Antwoorden · 16
As the other members said, they are all essentially the same. But take note: 一直 can also mean keep on/continuously e.g. "她今天一直打我" – Today, she kept on hitting/beating me. There's another phrase, 每次, which is directly translated to "every time" but can also mean "always" e.g. "他每次回家就会睡觉" – He always sleeps when he gets home / He sleeps every time he gets home. Muriel has given many examples of other good phrases but they are quite difficult so if you're at the beginner level, you can just stick with these few phrases in your question. But you can add 永远 to your list. It is useful for describing actions that will extend to the future, for eternity. 老是 and 总是 are usually used to describe past till present, not the future. 一直 can be used to describe the future but the meaning is less like "always" and more like "keep on/continuously" (e.g. 他会一直吃到肚子痛为止 – he will keep on eating until his stomach aches)
24 februari 2015
There are many words and phrases that can convey one of the different meanings of "always". 1) continuously, unceasingly, all along, up to now, consistently: (each of the following can be used, but it depends on the context...) 直 zhí; 不断[-斷] bùduàn; 一直 yīzhí; 缕缕[縷縷] lǚlǚ; 连天[連-] liántiān; 一个劲[-個勁] yīgèjìng; 一气儿[-氣兒] yīqìr; 源源 yuányuán; 源源不断[---斷] yuányuán-bùduàn; 连接不断[連--斷] liánjiē-bùduàn; 时刻[時-] shíkè; 时时刻刻[時時--] shíshíkèkè; 一股气[--氣] yīgǔqì; 一连气儿[-連氣兒] yīliánqìr; 一向 yīxiàng; 从来[從來] cónglái; 永远[-遠] yǒngyuǎn; 总是[總-] zǒngshì; 向来[-來] xiànglái; 永 yǒng; 老是 lǎoshi; 历来[歷來] lìlái; 平生 píngshēng; 没世[沒-] mòshì; 素 sù; 素来[-來] sùlái 2) every time, invariably, generally, without exception: (Ex: He always sits there.) 总[總] zǒng; 总是(總是) zǒngshì; 每每 měiměi; 无不[無-] wúbù 3) forever (Ex: I will always love you) 永远[-遠] yǒngyuǎn; 万古[萬-] wàngǔ; 永世 yǒngshì
24 februari 2015
一直: always or keep doing 老是 = 总是 = always with negative emotion. for example, 他老是/总是迟到。
25 februari 2015
They are the same mean. 你一直是这样。 你老是这样。 你总是这样。
24 februari 2015
always =一直、老是、总是、一向。
24 februari 2015
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