About phrasal verbs, which is the right answer ? Could you tell me what is the right preposition ? 1/Don't give up, I'm sure you'll bring it ___ ? a) of b) over c)off d) in 2/Colds winds away bring ____ her cough a) up b) on
26 feb. 2015 22:33
Antwoorden · 7
1- off 2- on
26 februari 2015
1. bring it off= accomplish 2. bring on = to cause to appear Hope this helps you! :)
26 februari 2015
1. 'Bring it off' means to succeed. It's a comparatively unusual expression these days. Your teachers are being mean if they are testing you on this one. 2. If a person has a tendency to a particular illness or ailment, certain things can 'bring on' this condition. Again, it's not an especially common phrasal verb.
26 februari 2015
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