"Funny" as a compliment? (I wrote about my mom last time. This time, I am writing about my dad.) I want to say my dad is dedicated to his job and he is funny. I am thinking of using 「仕事に専念」 for the "dedicated to his job" part. Google Translate says funny is 可笑しい but I have read this means funny in a weird or strange way, so it's not really a compliment. I tried to translate "humorous" and got this ユーモラス. Is there an actual word for "funny" as a compliment? Or, is ユーモラス the only option? Thanks.
3 mrt. 2015 09:58
Antwoorden · 3
It depends on context. It sometimes means 'crazy', and sometimes 'funny / hilarious'. If you want to go safe, おもしろい works fine. It covers a wide range of one's nature, mainly being interesting, and being funny. Also ユーモラス is fine, but maybe some people don't understand its meaning. 彼はユーモアがある/ he has a sense of humor / is better than using ユーモラス.
4 maart 2015
Funny means comical way of entertaining others. Pleasant to hear him say jokes. Practical and nice way to make someone laugh
3 maart 2015
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