Sungbin Lee
using the same verb twice In Chinese historic drama like 新三国, I found quite often that people say the same verb twice, like "(我)理解理解", "敬佩敬佩“, as a short response. Is this a common way of speaking in present China as well? I mean, do I sound natural if I speak like this today?
1 apr. 2015 04:10
Antwoorden · 4
是的,用这种方法来强调“理解”或者“敬佩”的程度,一般都是单独使用。 A:我这么做,希望你能理解. B:理解,理解 A:你理解理解我好不好 这并不是古代的用法,老版三国演义会有很多古语,新版三国基本都是普通话的语法,是当代的用法,不过用得比较少,而且有点太正式
1 april 2015
not all the verbs can be used twice to express such a particular meaning. IT's hard to make a summary, so you have to REMEMBER when you see it on a Chinese Tv programme. :)
1 april 2015
it's a kind of subjunctive. It's to express some emotion. It's like "could" "would" in english. for example, ur mom says: 学习久了要多运动运动。 学习久了要运动 is just a normal state. 学习久了要多运动运动 expresses a kind of emotion, which is ur mom's wish.
1 april 2015
It is common nowadays in China. We often hear people say "收拾收拾"" 打扮打扮" "整理整理""放松放松"""凑合凑合""运动运动" "呼吸呼吸新鲜空气" etc. there are too much of them. Moreover, such as " 游游泳""做做操""翻翻书""伸伸胳膊""弹弹琴"etc. they are endless.
1 april 2015
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