What audio material do Aussies/Kiwis use when learning pronounciation? Aussie accent and Kiwi accent have been my haunting memory for a long time (in a good way) When I started to learn a "British accent" l followed the tutor from BBC Learning English and did not miss any one of them ( Though not perfect,I guess I am still making progress.And now I mean to copy that way to learn Aussie and Kiwi accent(I know they are different) I keep watching Underbelly (an Australian true crime drama television series)and using 2 audio Aussie slang apps and now I think restart from the phonetic would make more sense. So my questions are: How did you guys learn your pronounciation? Did you have any recommendation in terms of material ?(Better be audio ) \( ̄︶ ̄)/
18 apr. 2015 12:42
Antwoorden · 7
We learn our pronunciation the same way everyone else learns their native language: we speak it as kids with our parents and pick it up naturally. English is our native language and we master the pronunciation well before we start going to school. It's not like in China where many children speak a dialect natively and are taught standard Mandarin as a second language at school.
18 april 2015
If you go to you can hear words in many languages pronounced by native speakers. You can also see where the native speakers are from. If there are any words you want to hear pronounced by an Australian, I'd be happy to upload my own voice recordings.
18 april 2015
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