Being Busy - Unfinished Work Which of the following sentences are more current and sensible please? Are there some better statements? 1)There are many unfinished works/jobs/duties/things around my. 2) I have many works/jobs/duties/things to do today. 3) Many works/jobs/duties/things are surrounded me today. 4) I am so busy today. --------------------------------- Thanks a lot for your attention. Please also correct my question if any mistake is accorded.
19 apr. 2015 05:37
Antwoorden · 1
For 1), I would probably say There are many unfinished tasks to take care of. For 2), the sentence works well with jobs/duties/things but not with works. 3) is somewhat awkward so it probably is not your best option. 4) is perfectly fine the way it is. Hope this helps!!
19 april 2015
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