How to improve listening skills?? Hi everyone, I'm learning and improving my English, and I'd like to ask you a question. I'm watching serial tv, movies or programs in English with subtitles I understand something but while I try to watch programs as BBC news and others that are without subtitles I understand nothing. Do you know a way to improve or learn listening skills?? Could you give me some advices??? Thank you very much
27 apr. 2015 08:46
Antwoorden · 4
I don't have an answer because I am struggling with this myself, as I try to learn Spanish. The approach I am taking is to search for examples of spoken Spanish to listen to that are just at, or just slightly beyond my ability to understand. If there are subtitles or a written transcript, I try not to use them the first time because reading seems to be a crutch that develops my reading skill without developing my listening skill. I use recordings so that I can listen several times. Usually I will understand more at the second hearing, and even more at the third. I also force myself to listen to Spanish television programs even though I can't understand them. I don't know good resources English is; I've found "The News in Slow Spanish" to be so helpful that I'm willing to pay for it. I've heard somewhere that it helps to listen to a foreign language and repeat what you are hearing out loud at the same time as you listen. I sometimes do that, and I do think it helps me in some way that I can't put my finger on. Does it help me to listen? Possibly, because the task of repeating it means that I do not get enough time to mentally translate into English and therefore am forced to experience the language directly.
27 april 2015
Continue listening to the BBC - try the World Service on radio. It takes time, but eventually you start to recognise words and phrases. Keep a pencil and paper with you when you listen, to make a note of a word or phrase to look up later. Persevere : it will pay off in the end. P.S. Don't bother with sub-titled programmes, except for entertainment. They take your focus away from listening to the sounds.
27 april 2015
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