Ashely johnson
tips on how to learn Japanese I started learning Japanese but I stopped , I'm starting again . I'm wondering does anyone have any tips on how to learn Japanese like how to remember kanji etc ,pronunciation , grammer etc . Just overall what you guys found helpful when learning Japanese or something you wish you knew before learning Japanese
27 apr. 2015 23:08
Antwoorden · 3
There are a lot of great apps that help me. For absolute beginners, I think Human Japanese is the best, for pronunciation especially. But if you already know the basics, then for learning kanji I'd say apps like Midori or imiwa? are great. c: I wrote a notebook entry about helpful apps, so if you need more go check that out. There are also a lot of great YouTubers that help with learning Japanese. For grammar and phrases and the likes, Puni Puni Japan is pretty good. I hope these helped somewhat. ^^
28 april 2015
I would suggest finding a Japanese tutor on italki to practice speaking with, if you don't have any Japanese friends in real life you can practice with. Textbooks are not really the way to go, since you won't have any chance to speak the language. I have learned Japanese for almost 8 years now, so if you ever need some tutoring or have any questions feel free to contact me, thanks!:)
28 april 2015
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!