how to use san sama and kun
30 mei 2015 01:58
Antwoorden · 2
さま is used for client in general. We also use it after full name on the envelope when we send a letter. About さん、ちゃん、くん、actually, it's very complicated. It's not only for the age and gender, but also for the social status/position, the relationship between us, depending on the person and family, etc. I'll write about "my cases". I would use さん(san) for: my bosses, the people whom I don't know, whom I meet for the first time, who aren't my close people the customers (san/sama), co-workers, some of my husband's relatives, my parents friends my friends who are older than me (however, I use "chan" for close friends of mine) the people who are older than me if I know their age/generation I use ちゃん(chan) for: small/young girls, female friends of my children, some of my female friends, some of my female relatives *except the male who has nickname with "chan" my children call almost all of my female friends with "chan" *it depends on the person/family some of my nieces/nephews call me with "chan" and some use "san" *it depends on their family I use くん(kun) for: small/young boys, male friends of my children, some of my male friends, some of my male relatives my children call some of their male relatives with "kun" and others with "san" After all, there aren't specific rules for chan and kun. All are depends on the person. I hope this was helpful.
30 mei 2015
-san = refer to stranger , Formal , someone older than you. -kun = refer a friend, someone nearly same age, informally -sama = refer to someone high ranks, -chan = refer to someone cute, someone younger than u (A lot)
30 mei 2015
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