Mikhail Buzuverov
How is possible to recognize irregular verbs? Hello! I know that some Korean verbs are irregular, for instance 깁다. 깁다 => 기워요 / 기웠어요 (ㅂ is turned into 우) But other verbs still regular, for instance 잡다. 집다 => 집어요 / 집었어요 (ㅂ is not transformed) I think I have to remember irregular verbs, but it is difficult to find which verbs are irregular. Is there any dictionary or other way to determine if specific verb is regular or not? Thank you very much
29 jun. 2015 03:07
Antwoorden · 2
29 juni 2015
There's no trick for recognizing any kind of irregular verbs in Korean. You just have to learn on a case-by-case basis. Try using a dictionary to see how it's conjugated before you use it. Simply practicing using verbs in speech and writing and absorbing them through listening and reading will get them in your head :) No need to stare at a word and its conjugation for hours. Just use it or else you'll lose it!
29 juni 2015
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
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