Văn Tuấn Kiệt
이르다, 다다르다 차이가 뭐에요? Both mean "arrive", so is there anything difference between them? And which one has the same meaning with 도착하다?
7 jul. 2015 18:21
Antwoorden · 1
Both can be used as "도착하다" but they also can use as "reach to somewhere" or "reach to something" for example 그는 체력의 한계에 이르렀다(past verb of 이르다) = " "He faced his physical limit." 다다랐다.(Past verb of 다다르다) or 우리는 결론에 이르렀다.(Past verb of 이르다)= " We finally reached to the conclusion" 다다랐다(Past verb of 다다르다) They all normally used in written Korean. So in everyday Korea, I recommend you to use 도착하다 when you want to express "arrive" in Korean Cheers DK
8 juli 2015
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