make-up myself I guess there are phrasal verbs that cannot take an object in the middle. but what happens with : Make -up? Is it correct _: I make myself up , and I make -up myself. ? the use of the hyphen has to do , doesn´t it? And I make you up???? because --I make- up you-- is not possibe, isn´t it? Thanks
7 jul. 2015 21:50
Antwoorden · 6
You are right that we have separable and inseparable phrasal verbs. With separable phrasal verbs, the object goes between the verb and the particle. You are wrong about hyphens, though. Phrasal verbs NEVER include hyphens. The word 'make-up' is a noun, not a verb. In fact, the most usual way to say what you want to say is 'I put on my make-up' or 'I put my make-up on', using the noun (make-up) as the object and 'put on' as a separable phrasal verb. You can say 'I'll make you up' if you are offering to do your friend's make-up for her. But you are right in thinking that you can't say 'I'll make up you'. Why? Because if you check your grammar book under the section 'Separable phrasal verbs', you'll see that the rule is that pronouns, such as 'it' or 'them' or 'me' or 'you' have to go in the middle position, never at the end. So you can say either 'I put my make-up on' or 'I put on my make-up'. With a complete noun, you have the choice. But with a pronoun, you have no choice. You have to say, for example, 'I bought some mascara and I put it on'. You can never say 'I put on it'. Pronouns can't go at the end. In fact, it is not very common to use 'make up' as a verb meaning to apply cosmetics. This is mainly because 'make up' exists as a phrasal verb with other unrelated meanings. For example, you 'make up' after a quarrel when you become friends again. 'Make up' also means to invent. I made up a story. I made a story up. That story isn't true - I made it up. So, remember - no hyphens, and no pronouns at the end! I hope that helps.
7 juli 2015
These (damned) phrasal verbs are a real pain for people learning English, and you really have to learn them all one by one (or almost). To make up, as a phrasal verb, does not have a hyphen. Makeup (again, no hyphen) is stuff you put on your face to alter your appearance, hopefully to improve it. I make myself up (usually = I put on my makeup)..... correct. I make up myself..... sounds incorrect to me. I make you up (eg to look like Lady Gaga).... correct. I make up you.......again, incorrect. HEY - something has just struck me - if you use a pronoun it has to go between the verb and the phrasal bit. But if it's not a pronoun it can go between the verb and the preposition or after the preposition. I threw that shit out...... correct I threw out that shit.....correct I blew up the ISIS camp.....correct I blew the ISIS camp up....correct I threw you out......correct I threw out you.......not correct I blew you up....correct I blew up you.....not correct. I think I'm right. It's hard for us English people because we don't have to think about it (and we like it like that!!! ..... just kidding). What do you think? Try it with some other phrasal verbs and see if it works. Dave
7 juli 2015
I am not certain what you are meaning
7 juli 2015
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
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