Do you know a website, where can I find English phonemes? Hello. Today I want to improve my fatal English speech. I wish to see a website with examples of phonemes and if it exists - to find some tutorials how to prepare my mouth for that phonemes. So I you have found one, please share it with me ????.
1 aug. 2015 09:09
Antwoorden · 6
soundsofspeech.uiowa.edu/english/english.html I've used the Spanish section of this website and found it enormously helpful.
2 augustus 2015
I am sorry, but I really have no idea what 'fatal English speech" means?
1 augustus 2015
1 augustus 2015
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!