Formal goodbye in korea I'm a beginner of learning korean language. I know the 2 forms of the formal goodbye and when to use it. But I got confuse what I should use when the Korea new anchors speak goodbye to the viewers. As I have never seen full Korea news anchor before. Though I suspect the answer will be 안녕히 십시요, is this right?
3 sep. 2015 13:38
Antwoorden · 2
Commonly 계십시오 or 가십시요 may follow 안녕히. 안녕히 계십시오: "Goodbye" (when you leave someone at his place) 안녕히 가십시오: "Goodbye" (to someone who is leaving the place of parting) 가십시오 is from 가다 (go) and 계십시오 from 있다 (is, stay) and its honorific 계시다. So you must say 안녕히 계십시오 to someone who is staying at some place for a while. If the other person is going somewhere (home or some other place) you use 안녕히 가십시오, meaning "take care of yourself (on your way)". TV news casters therefore can never say 안녕히 가십시오 since they are addressing people at home (or perhapse office). They must say 안녕히 계십시오 or something else like 내일 다시 뵙겠습니다 (See you tomorrow).
3 september 2015
This is Josh and I make mistake error to the post above. sorry, is this form--> 안녕히 가십시요 right?
3 september 2015
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!