Here you go. There you go Here you go. There you go. Here we go. I have a little bit confused about how to use them, Here you go means Good job, well done? There you go means Yes, you get the point. Here we go means let's go. That's my opinion, but I'm not sure, sometimes I heard people said that not in this way.
1 dec. 2015 07:15
Antwoorden · 4
Here you go.. Is used when someone is giving you something, usually informally. Like a waiter at restaurant serves you the dish and says " here you go " There you go. Multiple meanings. Can be used like here you go, except something away from you, like " over there". It is also used in a way to say, yes you got it. If you are practicing saying something, or a sport and you get it right, your coach may say " there you go ". Like yes you got it right !. Here we go .. This is used as you say, it usually is used as lets go, or we are going. Like driving a car and you all in the car and the driver says, " here we go " .
1 december 2015
To me you are asking on verb tenses and use. I thought this might help you. Here you go I might use if I am giving something to someone else maybe now, There you go is the you gave the book to another or similar object. Here we go yes is like saying let's go.
1 december 2015
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
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