Irina 이리나 伊莉娜
静 or 静伊 for a Chinese family name for a foreigner 大家好! I'm trying to pick up a Chinese last name which would be considered by the native speakers as a good one. in my native language my last name has the meaning "calm", "quiet" etc. as for pronunciation, it is a really long word which starts with Tiho.. so I wonder whether 静 could be a nice choice? pronunciation of 静 is totally different from Tiho.. but I thought I'd better concentrate on the meaning because I could not find 汉字 with similar pronunciation and good meaning at the same time. what would native speakers think of a person named 静伊莉娜? are there any good or bad connotations with this written or spoken? in China 静伊莉娜 could be also interpreted as 静伊 for family name and 莉娜 for first name, correct? are there any bad/good connotations for the native speakers in this case? 非常感谢你们!!
18 feb. 2016 12:51
Antwoorden · 15
18 februari 2016
用不用中文名,怎么改,是很个人的一回事,但也得看你的目的为何。 举例,意大利传教士和画家Giuseppe Castiglione到中国,就改了个中文名,叫郎世宁,很够中国化,就像是一个中国人的名字。他跟皇帝相处,当然用这个名字要比用"朱塞佩·伽斯底里奧內"聪明。 静伊莉娜只能算是译名,或者艺名,没有人会觉得是中国化的名字。既然是这样,那就海阔天空了, 你想怎样就怎样,没关系的,真的不用太讲究,也不用太纠结。
18 februari 2016
I suggest you using 静 or 静伊 as your given name, not family name, cause it's pretty rare to use 静as a family name in Chinese.
18 februari 2016
@Ben,明白了。谢谢 ~
19 februari 2016
@Hunter, wow, so 静 is a real family name! and a rare one - exactly what I need for not sound too strange with a Chinese family name and a foreign given name ). I couldn't find it in the Hundred Family Surnames (百家姓) so decided maybe there is no such surname in Chinese. thank you!
19 februari 2016
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