DO you believe on predictions? if yes or no,please support your answer,thank you.
8 nov. 2008 15:17
Antwoorden · 3
No i don't believe because it is just human guessing the future of a man or of the world.God is the only one who can determine and can decide what is in store for us.
8 november 2008
the only prediction that I believed in was in the victory of Obama, and that, only after 5 November!! I don't believe in any god either, that sounds very illogical.
9 november 2008
You'd correctly ask it as «do you believe IN predictions?» However, no I don't, maybe because I'm too proud to admit my future is already determinated – I want to create it myself! And, in addiction, how could predictions be true? They were made by men for men...
9 november 2008
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!