"something" + lover or fan I have quite a stupid question, what the best between: postcards lover - postcard lover - postcards fan - postcard fan I would say the first or the third one but not sure :)
24 nov. 2016 14:03
Antwoorden · 6
I would probably say "postcard lover" or "postcard fan" since often when creating such a phrase we would use the singular. One thing to be a little careful about with the word "lover" is that it does have a second meaning that implies intimacy between two partners. Having said this, many people quite happily use the above phrases without concern. Wade's suggestion to use "lover of postcards" clears this up completely.
24 november 2016
Hello Aude, It's not a silly question! You are correct that your 3rd option sounds the most natural. I would recommend 'lover of postcards' or 'fan of postcards' or even 'postcard collector/collector of postcards' Hope that helps, Wade.
24 november 2016
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
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