What's the difference between ことになる & ようになる? The examples in my textbook are: 1) 毎週、日曜日,友達うちで日本語を勉強することになった。(ことになる) 2) 毎週、日本語を勉強するようになりました。(ようになる) From what I understand, I think that ようになる sentence is more of a 'before-you-know-it' situation or a situation resulted from a habit whereas ことになる is a situation resulted from a decision made. I'm not sure if I make any sense but am I understanding this correctly?
2 dec. 2016 08:27
Antwoorden · 5
I think you have understood well about the difference. 1) 毎週、日曜日に友達とうちで日本語を勉強することになった。 This refers to that you, your friend(s) or you all decided to study at your house every Sunday. 2) 私は毎週、日本語を勉強するようになりました。*Adding a bit more information would be better in my opinion, for example, 毎週火曜日と金曜日に. It means that you've started studying Japanese regularly every week, however, the reason isn't mentioned yet in this sentence. I hope this helps you.
2 december 2016
Thank you for your help! :)
2 december 2016
Your explanation is perfect.
2 december 2016
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!