could you correct my english? I study English all the harder because I want to find better job. I am none the sadder for poor life. He is more undependable than untrustworthy. grammar point is [ all+the + conparative+ for / because~] [ none+the + conparative~] [ more ~ than ~ ]
26 jan. 2017 07:12
Antwoorden · 8
I study English all the harder because I want to find a better job. or "My grades are all the better for working hard." I am none the sadder for living a poor life. Or "for being poor". How about: "His unreliability is due more to incompetence than to malice."
26 januari 2017
1. "I study very hard to learn English because I want to find a better job". 2. Not certain of your meaning here. Could you tell me, specifically, what you mean and I will try to tell you what makes sense? 3. Correct. Assuming you are comparing the two. (He is more one thing than the other.) Hope this helped. If not, let me know. Also, I am learning Japanese. So, we could become friends to help each other if you would like.?
26 januari 2017
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!