Which one is OK? The tension mounts here. The tension is mounting here.
29 okt. 2017 23:19
Antwoorden · 4
I would say "The tension is mounting." OR As Sarah suggested, "The tension is rising." OR "The tension is climbing." All answers I just gave are correct and acceptable You could use "tension mounts" like this.. As the tension mounts, more people are focusing on the issue. OR As the tension mounted, my friend got nervous and farted. Everyone heard it. It was so funny!.
29 oktober 2017
We don't really use either phrase all that often, instead I think it's more common to say "The tension is rising" instead of "mounting"
29 oktober 2017
The second one.... Tension is getting /it is a continous action therefore, you need the ing form
30 oktober 2017
Sarah correct, its not commonly used, however I would probably say Tensions are mounting
29 oktober 2017
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