I can't understand this sentence "さすが両親の祖国だけあると誇りに思います”. Please help me :<
13 nov. 2017 13:40
Antwoorden · 4
(Great.) It's my parents' homeland, after all. It is difficult for me to translate both さすが~だけある and 誇りに思う at the same time. These two are expressions to denote the sense of respect, you know. So I put "Great" at the beginning, but it might be redundant because "after all" takes on the same meaning in this case. By the way, さすが~だけある is a Japanese idiom. So I cannot give you the grammatical explanation about it.
13 november 2017
さすが両親の祖国だけあると誇りに思います i'm proud of what only exist in parents' homeland
13 november 2017
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