how do you say people in hindi? logo?
27 feb. 2009 10:02
Antwoorden · 8
Deze inhoud schendt onze communityrichtlijnen.
27 juli 2022
Deze inhoud schendt onze communityrichtlijnen.
16 juli 2022
Log = people. That's right. However, an extended Form of Logo or logon is used whenever you add any Hindi post position i.e. KO / Ka or Kay. Ex: Bahut saaray LOGON KO Hindi aati hai. Ye in LOGON KA ghar hai. In LOGON KAY paas paise hai.
12 augustus 2012
'Logo' is neither singular nor plural in hindi,for people. Plural is also 'loag'. As it can be seen as nominative case. 'Loago' can be Address mode or the plural modification in instrumental case.
6 maart 2009
Yes, We say Log (Singular) / Logo (Plural) to the people in Hindi language ie Sub log (Everybody).
5 maart 2009
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