Who wants to help me with my English? Help! I need somebody! I can help you with Russian if u want!
10 okt. 2019 18:27
Antwoorden · 2
Thanks for your advice but I wanna improve my speaking too. I also I need to add. Guys if somebody wants to speak we can meet each other in skype. I know my text looks like a rubbish. And I am so sorry for it. But it is me first try to write something
10 oktober 2019
I can't help you but I can give you a suggestion that you can make a group of peoples who are learning English on any social app like DISCORD, WHATSAPP ,etc. You can communicate with them which somehow affect the way you learn or practice it. I am giving this suggestion with experience as I am learning German and make a group on discord and really found good friends all over the globe. Try it!
10 oktober 2019
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!