Tarek Badawy
Looking for native Chinese mandarin speakers I want to see how is my mandarin, cuz this language depends 100% on tones, and in exchange ican help any one who want to learn English and Arabic (like some one is even interested in Arabic 😏)
16 okt. 2019 20:20
Antwoorden · 7
@darker You are right but the tones play an important role in making deference between words in mandarin
25 oktober 2019
Nah, how can a language be 100% denpendent on tones when you can whisper in it? lol
25 oktober 2019
I am a Chinese student, I can teach you Chinese. And I also want to learn English. We can learn together
20 oktober 2019
I have some knowledge about phonetics (and of course tones, tone sandhi). I can help you if needed.
19 oktober 2019
I think the accuracy of expression in Chinese depends on many aspects. Of course, the tone is very important part in Chinese . You can express totally different meaning by the same word with different tones . But except for the tone ,the mordal particle is Important else. It'll make you express more natively and accurately .😉 I look forward to having a nice chat with u .If u have WeChat, welcome to contact me via ThunderboltXu.(A little stupid nameđŸ˜«)
18 oktober 2019
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