는데 vs 네 for exclamation Hi ! I read that 는데 can be used to "show surprise or exclamation" so I wondered, in this usage how is 는데 different from 네 (요) ?Thx a lot !
22 okt. 2019 19:41
Antwoorden · 2
When used as a surprise expression, the two phrases are about the same. For example, I don't see much difference between these sentences: - 야, 차가 참 좋으네요! - 야, 차가 참 좋은데요! (Both means "Your / Someone's car is gorgeous!"). The -네 ending is mostly used in this kind of expressions, while -는데 is used for other cases more often, like giving contradictory situation or opinion.
24 oktober 2019
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