The meaning of a sentence. Please. What does “While the pulling-round process was completing itself” and“ to give her rime” mean? Thanks. context:While I sat I stole an occasional covert look at the girl. Her clothes, or the remnants of them, were good quality. It seemed likely that beneath the smudges and smears she was good-looking. The drink gradually did good work. By the end of it she was sufficiently recovered for habit of mind to assert itself. ’God, I must look awful,‘ she remarked. She got up and walked over to a mirror. ‘I certainly do, ’she confirmed.‘ Where’ ‘You might try through there,’ I suggested. Twenty minutes or so passed before she came hack. She approximated now the film directors idea of the heroine after a roughhouse, rather than the genuine thing. ‘ Cigarette? ’I inquired, as I slid another fortifying glass across. While the pulling-round process was completing itself we swapped stories. To give her rime, I let her have mine first......
29 okt. 2019 12:12
Antwoorden · 3
I’ve never seen the phrase “pulling-round process.” From context, I assume it means “the process of recovering from a traumatic event.” I think “rime” is probably a typo for “time.” “Rime” in English is a poetic word for “frost” and doesn’t make sense in this context.
29 oktober 2019
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