Right and wrong and wrong again! Please check the following sentences! After all, what's so wrong in being wrong? You people keep wronging me like you're being right all the time, but guess what, you're not. You are as wrong as anyone else, only from your angle it looks perfectly right. But to me it looks like you haven't tried anything. Thank you
3 nov. 2019 07:27
Antwoorden · 2
Looks good, except for this part: "You people keep wronging me like you're being right all the time..." This should be in simple present rather than present continuous as "all the time" suggests it is a constant state, the same way one would say "I am female" rather than "I am being female". So, "You people keep wronging me like you're right all the time..." would be better.
3 november 2019
I checked and It appears to be natural. It sounds like a philosophical text. I liked it.
3 november 2019
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!