Felicidades vs Enhorabuena Hi! Could anyone please answer me the differences between "Felicidades" and "Enhorabuena"? In what context do people normally use "Felicidades" and in what context do they use "Enhorabuena"? Thanks in advance!
25 mrt. 2020 04:12
Antwoorden · 6
I'd say the main difference would be that; "Felicidades" is used to congratulate someone for a particular occasion (birthday, wedding, etc). "Enhorabuena" is used to congratulate someone for an accomplishment (promotion, award, etc)
25 maart 2020
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25 maart 2020
Felicidades is used mainly to wish a happy birthday and similar. Enhorabuena is as if you say "about time..." with a positive connotation - you can even include "felicidades" For example, Jessica got promoted after 4 years in her position, I'd say to her "enhorabuena, te lo mereces mucho. Felicidades!"
25 maart 2020
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