Day 23: Favorite sport
Day 23: Favorite sport
25 września 2022
PHIL: What time is that soccer game on? I thought it started at noon. JACK: We must have had the wrong time. Oh, well … soccer’s not my favorite sport anyway. I much prefer basketball. PHIL: Oh, really? I thought your favorite sport was tennis! I’m a big fan of basketball, too. JACK: How about a game sometime? PHIL: Sure thing! Why don’t we go shoot some hoops now since the soccer game isn’t on? JACK: Excellent idea. Let’s go. LANGUAGE NOTES • What time is that soccer game on? means “When does the soccer game start?” “What time” plus something plus “on” is a common expression used to ask about the start time of a TV show or a movie. • I much prefer basketball here means “I like basketball a lot more than soccer.” Notice how “much” is stressed to show that the speaker really likes basketball. • Oh, really? Notice the rising intonation on “really.” This shows that the speaker is surprised. He thought that Jack liked tennis the best. • I’m a big fan of basketball is a way of saying “I like basketball very much” (“to be a fan of” is a casual expression used to describe something you really like). • How about a game here means “Let’s play a basketball game.” • Sure thing! This is a casual expression used to mean “OK.” • Shoot some hoops means to play an informal game of basketball. This is a casual expression used between friends
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