I went to two parties on Friday night. The first is the buffet restaurant on the 38th floor of the Corn Building in Qianxi Square. Knives, spoons, chopsticks, forks, seafood, lamb chops, steak, pizza, pastries, beer, staple food... The range is wide, but the taste is average. The second is outdoor barbecue on the roof of a friend's house, bamboo skewers, chopsticks, lamb skewers, pork belly, roast sausage, potatoes, enoki mushrooms, sour plum soup... Simple and rough, but nice atmosphere and taste.
28 kwi 2024 02:12
Poprawki · 2
I went to two parties on Friday night. The first was held at a buffet restaurant on the 38th floor of the Corn Building in Qianxi Square. We could choose among a wide range of cutlery such as knives, spoons, chopsticks or forks as well as wide range of food such as seafood, lamb chops, steak, pizza, pastries, beer, staple food, etc. but the taste of the food was of average quality. The second party was an outdoor barbecue held on the roof of a friend's house and I could choose among bamboo skewers, chopsticks, lamb skewers, pork belly, roast sausages, potatoes, enoki mushrooms, sour plum soup, etc. It was overall pretty rustic but the atmosphere was nice and the food tasted good.
28 kwi 2024 12:00
I went to two parties on Friday night. The first was a buffet restaurant on the 38th floor of the Corn Building in Qianxi Square. Knives, spoons, chopsticks, forks, seafood, lamb chops, steak, pizza, pastries, beer, staple food... The range was wide, but the taste was average. The second was outdoor barbecue on the roof of a friend's house. bamboo skewers, chopsticks, lamb skewers, pork belly, roast sausage, potatoes, enoki mushrooms, sour plum soup... Simple and rough, but nice atmosphere and taste.
great job!
28 kwi 2024 03:36
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