Shreya Banerjee ✨
My favourite hobbies are playing cricket, football, badminton, hide and seek, watching movies and cartoons, listening to music and acting. ✌
4 mar 2021 17:56
Poprawki · 5
My favourite hobbies are playing cricket, football, badminton, hide and seek; watching movies and cartoons; listening to music and acting. ✌
Good job! You can use a semicolon ( ; ) for long lists.
4 marca 2021
My favourite hobbies are playing cricket, football, badminton, hide and seek, watching movies and cartoons, listening to music and acting. ✌
Great job! An alternate spelled of favourite is favorite, but both are correct.
4 marca 2021
Te treści naruszają Wytyczne dot. Społeczności.
5 marca 2021
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