Essay for my CAE exam. It goes without saying that the importance of sport can offer people a wide range of benefits in their daily life. Two options such as building community spirit and releasing emotions may be extraordinary examples to focus on. Therefore, there are arguments to believe that one of them is more accepted than the other. There has been a sharp increase in the number of citizens who commence to practice sports due to the fact that they can benefit from the opportunity of building community spirit. An excellent example is what the local rugby club, The Angels, have undertaken. It is a project to support children in danger of social exclusion: providing resources such as food and clothes. Furthermore, they have implemented a radio campaign to encourage more citizens to join to this cause. Another key point is that people have realised that doing collective sports help them to release their emotions and struggle with stress. Thus, players are able to keep balance between physical and mental health. As consequence of participating in sports, never before had people swiftly improved their behaviour and sense of humour. Therefore, it has become a good tool to tackle daily obstacles. No one would dispute that both options are crucial for human beings. However, it is certainly true that being involved in projects where people can help others is a choice that many of us should follow. Therefore, it would be extraordinary if many people were consistent with this option due to it would sort an issue in today’s society.
6 mar 2021 10:04
Poprawki · 6
Essay for my CAE exam. It goes without saying that taking part in sport can offer people a wide range of benefits in their daily life. Two positive effects such as building community spirit and releasing emotions may be suitable examples to focus on. There are arguments to believe that one of them is more important than the other. There has been a sharp increase in the number of citizens who practice sports due to the fact that they can benefit from the opportunity of building community spirit. An excellent example is what my local rugby club, The Angels, have undertaken. It is a project to support children in danger of social exclusion: providing resources such as food and clothes. (Does this really relate to playing sport?) Furthermore, they have implemented a radio campaign to encourage more citizens to join this cause. Another key point is that people have realised that doing collective sports helps them to release their emotions and struggle against stress. Thus, players are able to keep balance between their physical and mental health. As consequence of participating in sports, these people have swiftly improved their behaviour and sense of humour. Therefore, it has become a good tool to tackle daily obstacles. No one would dispute that both options are crucial for human beings. However, it is certainly true that being involved in projects where people can help others is a choice that many of us should follow. Therefore, it would be wonderful if a lot of people decided to take this option as it would help solve problems in today’s society.
Not bad. Some good expressions. Make sure your essay is logical. Without seeing the question I can't tell whether you have answered it properly. I am not actually aware of the marking system for CAE, I will check it!
6 marca 2021
Essay for my CAE exam. It goes without saying that the importance of sport can be to offer people a wide range of benefits in their daily life. Two options which are building community spirit and releasing emotions may not be the regular examples that ordinarily are focussed on. There may be an argument that one of them is more acceptable than the other. There has been a sharp increase in the number of people who have commenced playing sport due to the fact that they can benefit from an opportunity to build a community spirit. An excellent example would be how the local rugby club, The Angels, have undertaken a project to support children in danger of social exclusion as well as providing resources such as food and clothes. Furthermore, they have implemented a radio campaign to encourage more of their community to join to this cause. Another key point is that people have realised that by doing collective sports it helps them emotionally and reduces stress. Players are able to keep a balance between physical and mental health and as a consequence of participating in sport rapidly improving their well-being and humour. This is why it has become a good tool to tackle daily obstacles. No one would therefore dispute that both options are crucial for human beings. However, it is certainly true that being involved in projects where people can help others is a choice that would benefit many of us. Therefore, perhaps we should encourage similar projects and in this way we could benefit people’s mental and physical health which are major issues in today’s society.
20 marca 2021
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