3月1日 発音の練習5 #職場に問題# I would appreciate it a lot if you could attach a recording of your speaking when you correct my pronunciation.
2 mar 2021 06:35
Poprawki · 6
3月1日 発音の練習5 #職場に問題# I would appreciate it a lot if you could attach a recording of your speaking when you correct my pronunciation.
2 marca 2021
3月1日 発音の練習5 #職場に問題# I would appreciate it a lot if you could attach a recording of your speaking when you correct my pronunciation.
Overall you're doing wonderful. Your 授業(じゅぎょう) sounds like you're saying 「じゅうぎょう」。 I'm sorry but I still don't know how to upload a sound file.
2 marca 2021
3月1日 発音の練習5 #職場に問題# I would appreciate it a lot if you could attach a recording of your speaking when you correct my pronunciation.
2 marca 2021
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