Zully Sujey
Firstly, even when covid has been a tough situation on world, because of Ireland, where I am living, it has not been so hard for me.For instance, Ireland goverment have been empatic with foreign people as they offer an unemployment payment from citizens to abroad students like me. Moreover,I will say that I have had luck due to I keep my job. Also, when the country allowed us to travel inside of here. I had some journeys in countryside. In contrast, other countries like Mexico, where I am, people couldn't keep in house as they need to work. And the goverment have not help with any payments. In spite of it, thank God my family is save, as well as my siblings. Although I wish people from world doesn't have to suffer for this. To sum up we have grown up, in ways that we couldn't imagine, in other places it has been harder, but still being a challenge.
28 sty 2021 14:27
Poprawki · 3
Te treści naruszają Wytyczne dot. Społeczności.
28 stycznia 2021
Firstly, even when covid has been a tough situation on world, because of Ireland, where I am living, it has not been so hard for me.For instance, Ireland goverment have been empatic with foreign people as they offer an unemployment payment from citizens to abroad students like me. Moreover,I will say that I have had luck due to I keep my job. Also, when the country allowed us to travel inside of here. I had some journeys in countryside. In contrast, other countries like Mexico, where I am, people couldn't keep in house as they need to work. And the goverment have not help with any payments. In spite of it, thank God my family is save, as well as my siblings. Although I wish people from world doesn't have to suffer for this. To sum up we have grown up, in ways that we couldn't imagine, in other places it has been harder, but still being a challenge. I wanna practice English
29 stycznia 2021
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