Apart from these two Chinese characters that are Homograph in nature 了 & 便 are there any other ones?

During my course of studies, I came across some really confusing Chinese 汉字 that I sometimes find it hard to read them due to there homograph meanings in  nature.


1. 了 pinyin = le , liǎo.

2. 便 pinyin = biàn, biàn

Homograph - is a word that shares the same written form as another word but has a different meaning.

14 lip 2016 08:43
Komentarze · 4

Hello Abdullah, what you talked about is also called the polyphonic character, which means the character has different pronunciations.

Most of them have related meanings in different but related pronunciations. The change of the pronunciation amounts to the change of the written form (ex: interest, interesting).

ex:   长  cháng 【adj.】 -- long

               zhǎng 【v.】-- grow

        少  shǎo 【adj.】-- little, few

              shào 【adj.】-- young

Some of the polyphonic characters have totally different meanings in different pronunciations.

ex:  舍 shě 【v.】-- abandon

             shè 【n.】-- house

       发  fā【v.】发现--find, 发明--invent, 发展--develop


Few of the polyphonic characters have same meanings in different pronunciations, but usually there are regulations to the use of them.These different pronunciations usually comes from different Chinese dialects.

ex:  伯 bó/bāi【n.】-- uncle( your father's older brother)

Practicing more can help you have a grasp of them.

I wish you learn Chinese happily.!

15 lipca 2016

还pinyin=huán,hái; 和 pinyin=hé、hè、huó、huò、<a class="mp3-play" href="http://hanyu.baidu.com/zici/s?wd=%E5%92%8C&tupu=01#" url="http://appcdn.fanyi.baidu.com/zhdict/mp3/hu2.mp3"><font color="#0066cc"> </font></a>;监 pinyin=<a class="mp3-play" href="http://hanyu.baidu.com/zici/s?wd=%E5%92%8C&tupu=01#" url="http://appcdn.fanyi.baidu.com/zhdict/mp3/hu2.mp3"><font color="#0066cc"> </font></a>[jiān] <a class="op_exactqa_word_how_read" hidefocus="true" href=":;" data-click="{fm:'beha'}" url="https://ss0.baidu.com/9_QWbzqaKgAFnsKb8IqW0jdnxx1xbK/zhdict/mp3/jian1.mp3"></a> [jiàn]                                                                                  <a class="op_exactqa_word_how_read" hidefocus="true" href=":;" data-click="{fm:'beha'}" url="https://ss0.baidu.com/9_QWbzqaKgAFnsKb8IqW0jdnxx1xbK/zhdict/mp3/jian4.mp3"></a>

14 lipca 2016


Well.. from the little I know of English language. I know there are some  few grammatical structures and so Homograph isn't an exceptional. If you're well familiar with the English Language tricks. Here are some few examples below to give you an insight of what I'm saying using SOW.

sow (verb) – to plant seed

<dl><dd>sow (noun) – female pig</dd></dl>

<dl><dd>The two words are spelt identically but pronounced differently.</dd></dl>

<dl><dd>By using 了 and 便。I don 't really  means the two words are to be used the same but rather to be used individually. </dd></dl>


14 lipca 2016

14 lipca 2016