Where could I do the most Good in the World?

What is your notion of the life well-lived?  What gives you a sense of purpose in life?  How could I direct myself to do the most good in this world?  

17 wrz 2014 21:21
Komentarze · 1

Well, one place you could do the "most good in the world" is right where you are. Who in your neighborhood or at work needs a hand?


I think there's a part of all of us that has a dream of doing something wonderful on a large scale or in some part of the world we've never been. And that's great!


But we don't want to forget that doing great things can start small and usually with people around us. Some times that lacks a bit of glamour in our minds, but for the person who needs a helping hand, it means the world to them.


So definitely dream big! But while you're putting that in motion, look to your left and right and see what you can offer in some way.

17 września 2014