Differentiate surrogate/foster/adoptive/god-/step-/biological father?

Because of the length limitation, I post my qeustion here...


The terms I am pretty sure about are "stepfather" and "biological father".


Not quite sure of "foster father" and "adoptive father"--is fosterhood for only a period of time and without too formal legal association?


And I suppose godparenthood to be something in Catholic culture? I'm not Catholic, so..


What baffled me is "surrogate father", so it has one and only meaning that refers to a "sperm donor"--I guess not? Even so, isn't it illegal for a donor father to have parental rights, not to mention a meeting of him and his future surrogate child?


I married my lovely Swiss girl and had Jacqueline one year later and Liam two years later. When Liam was 4, on a trip to Pakistan we found a Pakistani boy Ali roaming about in the street so we made a decision to adopt Ali and eventually it worked out after roughly an entire year of applying and admission process. One day, my ex girlfriend came to ours and confessed to stealing my thing to make a deal at a sperm bank in Russia when we were together in our early 20s; on the very day I was told with rage that I was not Liam's biological father for my Swiss wife had been unfaithful to me since our daughter Jacqueline was born. I got divorced, lost my gurandianship of Liam, but won my ex Swiss wife's trust to help her bring up Liam for financial reasons till he turns 18. In this transition time in Russia and Spain, I spent sometime with my half-Hispanic son Marcos and his biological mother who had been with my ex Russian girlfriend way earlier than we were together. Finally, I married again with a Lebanese-Canadian in Israel and had our boy Ishai along with her Catholic girl Sylvie who had been with my second wife when in Canada as a single parent.



I am Jacqueline's biological father?

I am Liam's foster father?

I am Ali's adoptive father?

I am Marcos' surrogate father and biological father as well?

I am Ishai's biological father?

I am Sylvie's stepfather and can be his godfather as well to her biological mother's wish?

The story is a made-up, only to help me memorise all the terms above more deeply, and actively. If you have a better idea to correct it, or re-write the whole story even, I don't mind! :)



20 wrz 2014 12:25